For each of the following statement, circle the number that most closely agrees with how you feel. Consider your answers in the context of your current job or past work experience.

1. I work very hard to continually improve my work performance.

2. I enjoy competition. I like to win in sports and other things I do.

3. When working, I often chat with fellow employees about nonwork matters.

4. I enjoy difficult challenges. At work, I like to take on the hard jobs.

5. I enjoy being a manager. I like being in charge of things and people.

6. It is important to me to be liked by other people.

7. When I am working, I like to know how I am doing and how the work is progressing.

8. If I disagree with someone, I let them know it. I am not afraid of disagreement.

9. Many of my coworkers are also my friends. I enjoy spending my leisure time with them.

10. I typically set realistic goals and tend to achieve them.

11. It is important to me to get others to agree with my ideas.

12. I enjoy belonging to clubs, groups, and other organizations.

13. I enjoy the satisfaction of successfully completing a difficult job.

14. One of my important objectives is to get more control over events around me.

15. I would rather work with other people than work alone.

User Details

How many eyes does a typical person have (e.g: 4)?


Steers, R. M., & Braunstein, D. N. (1976). A behaviorally-based measure of manifest needs in work settings. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 9, 251-266.

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