0 = Opposed to your principles;

1 = Not important 

4 = Important

8 = Of supreme importance 

1. Please evaluate the importance of the following value from 1 to 8.


Power (social power, authority, wealth)


2. Please evaluate the importance of the following value from 1 to 8.


Achievement (success, capability, ambition, influence on people and events)


3. Please evaluate the importance of the following value from 1 to 8.


Hedonism (gratification of desires, enjoyment in life, self-indulgence)


4. Please evaluate the importance of the following value from 1 to 8.


Stimulation (daring, a varied and challenging life, an exciting life)


5. Please evaluate the importance of the following value from 1 to 8.


Self-Direction (creativity, freedom, curiosity, independence, choosing one's own goals)


6. Please evaluate the importance of the following value from 1 to 8.


Universalism (broad-mindedness, beauty of nature and arts, social justice, a world at peace, equality, wisdom, unity with nature, environmental protection)


7. Please evaluate the importance of the following value from 1 to 8.


Benevolence (helpfulness, honesty, forgiveness, loyalty, responsibility)


8. Please evaluate the importance of the following value from 1 to 8.


Tradition (respect for tradition, humbleness, accepting one's portion in life, devotion, modesty)


9. Please evaluate the importance of the following value from 1 to 8.


Conformity (obedience, honoring parents and elders, self-discipline, politeness)

10. Please evaluate the importance of the following value from 1 to 8.


Security (national security, family security, social order, cleanliness, reciprocation of favors)

User Details


Lindeman, M. & Verkasalo, M. (2005). Measuring values with the Short Schwartz's Value Survey. Journal of Personality Assessment, 85,170-178.


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You are invited to participate in this OB measurement tools. You will participate when you click on the measure link. Participation is completely voluntary and anonymous. You can exit any time. If you complete the surveys, the results will be displayed to you for free. The website is for educational purpose and there is no foreseen risk. Please contact us with any questions or comments at privacy@obmeasure.com.
