1. A Job Is what you make of it.

2. On most jobs, people can pretty much accomplish whatever they set out to accomplish.

3. If you know what you want out of a job, you can find a job that gives it to you.

4. If employees are unhappy with a decision made by their boss, they should do something about it.

5. Getting the job you want is mostly a matter of luck.



6. Making money is primarily a matter of good fortune.


7. Most people are capable of doing their jobs well if they make the effort.

8. In order to get a really good job you need to have family members or friends in high places.

9. Promotions are usually a matter of good fortune.

10. When it comes to landing a really good job, who you know is more important than what you know.

11. Promotions are given to employees who perform well on the job.

12. To make a lot of money you have to know the right people.

13. It takes a lot of luck to be an outstanding employee on most jobs.

14. People who perform their jobs well generally get rewarded for it.

15. The main difference between people who make a lot of money and people who make a little money is luck.

16. Most employees have more influence on their supervisors than they think they do.

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